Getting to (and around) DC!
Partnered Airline
We are pleased to partner with United Airlines for air travel.
United offers discounts from 2% to 10% off applicable fares. Discounts apply on United Airlines and flights operated by United or other airlines branded United Express, Lufthansa, and All Nippon Airways. Applicable restrictions apply.
Must be booked online at UNITED.COM - Use Promo code ZKFU880765. See additional instructions.
Parking near Convention Center
You’ll find thousands of parking spaces in several lots within blocks of the Convention Center, (available on a first-come, first-serve basis). Additional parking options will be available soon.
SuperShuttle - Washington DC
SuperShuttle - Additional Information & Online Booking
Local Public Transit
Public Transportation Needs - Metrorail, Metrobus, Taxis, Rental Cars, Ubers, and Bikes
The Amtrak station is located at 201 E Capitol St SE, Washington, DC 20003 - (800) 872-7245
Union Station - Washington DC 50 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002 - (800) 872-7245
REAL ID Enforcement | Homeland Security
The deadline for Real ID Readiness is May 23, 2023.